Quote kirkstaller="kirkstaller"No further contribution from FA I see. However I won't accuse him in the same way he did me, I'm sure he's just not got round to responding.'"
I think, lke the rest of us, he's given up, being tolerant and honest people we have to accept that bigots like you exist, you like your fairy stories as much as I like science fiction novels (although their is [isome[/i science fact in some of the stuff I read, unlike yourself).
You've failed, in almost 100 pages, to make any positive contribution to a world which you claim to have met the supreme being, or his right hand man. An if "God" exists, then why didn't he strike me down with a bolt of lightening when I had the audacity to go into his "house" yesterday for a relatives Christening (an event, I might add, that was undertaken for no religous belief, but just because she's a bit of a show off and does these "done things"icon_wink.gif. Can I also point out that said Church has a leaking roof, serious problems with the fabric of the building and a very poorly maintained graveyard (why we bury dead people I'll never know, never ever seen one grow back).
And my parting little gift, into the collection bowl I placed a note "go with belief and grace, god will provide", and I left them my B&Q 10% discount card, you know, just in case the allmighty comes up a bit short.