Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"First of the lot with regard to the 900k was the Wages owing from July......leaving 700k. You would expect that the next big expenditure would be Augusts wages and given Catalans and London where the 2 teams visiting, it's fair to say another 200k has been chipped off the "loan" leaving 500k.
September is the last month for wages (during the season) and other than the visit of Huddersfield this weekend, there has been no announcement regarding "new revenue streams" for this year, so your 900k is now 300k.
If I make allowances for a final SKY TV payment of 100k, then that figure goes up to 400k.
October is a quiet month, where players have left and stadium staff (excepting management) have all been laid off with view to re-hiring, so let's say 100k on October. November, the NEW players and existing squad return to training.....back up to say 150k a month for Nov, Dec and January.... so before a fan walks through the gates in February, there's another 550k in wages to be paid.
Now, I am not saying that other sponsors wont be found and other revenue streams wont open up, but all of the above stems from 900k being needed to, in part, pay July's wages.
Queue a few precious fans getting defensive and telling me of the millions in corporate and sponsorship revenue I have missed, but the reality is, where were these millions in July when you had wages to pay?'"
1. Where has the £200k wages figure come from? We clearly are well below the cap, and the admin costs are massively less than the previous regime, so please detail the 12x£200k = £2400k annual wage bill.
2. detail the £840k investment for me please, I seem to have missed this bit of news. The detail I want is who the £840k was paid to. So, for example, paying £225k to the RECEIVERS is not a cash injection into the CLUB.
4. Loans. when were they taken out by OK Bulls, how much, what were the repayment terms, and if OKB are in default, how long for and totals unpaid? and what have the bank done about it?
4. note that I am not being defensive, merely asking you to evidence your comments with reference to external sources .
5. Yes, you are dazzlingly observant about the gap between one season and another, I really could not have thought of that one. (cue much self -flagellation and -abuse for being so STUPID as to not have realised this fact) However, to anybody experienced in the financial management of a business, the signs were there several months, ago as was the knowledge that OKB was doing something about it.
So if you are so clever, why didnt you make your stupid futile comments three months ago, instead of reacting like a pbrain to the news of a
dismissal of a winding up petition? Do you know that (thanks mainly to football clubs protecting the grossly overpaid footballers from all other creditors including HMRC) that sports clubs are jumped on by HMRC, hence the RFL (not superleague) interest in ensuring all clubs meet their commitments?
7. not your comment, gutterf*ck, someone else's, but I might as well deal with two onanissts at the same time. "Omar Khan is trying to make himself out to be some sort of hero". I have seen Ryan make the statement that OK is putting money in, not OK himself. I have seen Suttcliffe say that OK is not a sugar daddy, he has limited resources. Please show me where OK himself says that he is a hero. for the record, I do think he is a hero that needs the support of 10000 season ticket holders. and also for the record, I am not OK, I cannot cook a curry to save my life.
davyz999 yes as a Bulls fan i was concerned 3 months ago unlike the gutterpress, but look at what you are saying yourself, that the annual wages bill is £3360K. it just about hit that figure in the precap days when we had full stadiums and won the prizemoney for worldclub championships etc etc etc. Yes, be concerned, but dont get dragged down to the level of the gutter.