Premier’s Support For Stadium Planning Great News For Cq Nrl Bid
This news item was posted at 12:40 pm on the 7th March, 2012
Premier Anna Bligh’s commitment yesterday of up to $500,000 in funding for the Strategic Planning Phase of a new Stadium provides a big tick for the CQ NRL Bid at just the right time.
Today CQ NRL Bid Chairman Geoff Murphy and CEO Denis Keeffe will visit NRL officials at the new Rugby League Central Headquarters in Sydney to update them on the significant progress of Central Queensland’s Bid for an NRL Team.
Murphy was buoyed by the announcement that will mean a fully compliant NRL Stadium in Rockhampton is a real likelihood in time for the start of the 2015 NRL Season.
“When the NRL says yes to our Bid, we will be shovel-ready to go. I think we could get a strong indication by mid-year. I believe this announcement places the CQ NRL Bid at the head of the queue.”
The inspirational Chairman went on to thank the Premier and the State Government for their “100% support” of the CQ NRL Bid, which continues to go from strength-to-strength.
“We are the only bidding group that is being proactive in the community with our grassroots programs. We deserve our own NRL team because Central Queensland is rugby league heartland and we are a no-risk choice for expansion.”
Please find following the Media Release from the Queensland Labor Party
Media Release Labor commits up to $500,000 for Stadium’s Strategic Plan
A new Labor Government will provide up to $500,000 for the next critical step towards a new rugby league stadium for Rockhampton, Premier Anna Bligh announced today.
“The Strategic Planning Phase will provide a road map to steer a new stadium through the planning and design process and give design advice on how best to link a stadium to the riverbank redevelopment and other facilities,” Ms Bligh said.
It is intended that the bid team, in coordination with the Rockhampton City Council, will commission world-class stadium design experts, Populous, to undertake the Strategic Planning, which will involve architectural studies, urban design work, civil engineering plans, a preliminary concept design and 3D animations of what the Rocky Stadium will look like – inside and out. The planning will also look at the Stadium’s interface with transport facilities, as well as existing community infrastructure in Rockhampton.
“Populous were responsible for Metricon Stadium on the Gold Coast, successfully delivering a design which resulted in one of the greenest, most cost-effective stadiums ever built in Australia.” Ms Bligh said.
“Only a re-elected Bligh Government will make sure the Strategic Planning phase is started by mid 2012 for a Rockhampton Stadium.”
“Central Queensland is running a strong campaign to have a team in the National Rugby League should the NRL decide to expand the competition in 2015.
“Getting a stadium built is a complex process so while we wait for the NRL to decide we need to get the ball rolling on the necessary planning approvals.
Labor Candidate for Rockhampton Bill Byrne said the NRL bid brought with it a tremendous opportunity for the region.
“The Bligh Government is contributing more than $29 million to the Riverbank Redevelopment which includes the recently opened Olympic standard swimming pool. “The showgrounds and tennis courts are also nearby.
“A new stadium in the same area would create one of the best sporting and entertainment precincts of any regional city in the nation.
“It would be a major drawcard for Rockhampton.
“We need to plan how to best link these elements together to get the biggest bang for our buck if we get an NRL team,” he said.
Member for Keppel Paul Hoolihan said locals would be comforted by the commitment for planning funds. “It takes more than two years to properly plan, design and construct a stadium so this funding is crucial to get the early planning work underway. “The NRL will know how serious we are with this planning work already underway in the lead up to their decision,” Mr Hoolihan said.
Funding for the Strategic Planning Phase will come from the Sustainable Regional Communities initiative.
7 March 2012
Authorised A Chisholm 16 Peel Street South Brisbane Qld 4101 for the Australian Labor Party. Not produced at public expense
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