Quote SuperGeoff="SuperGeoff"Ah the Irony of, yes you guessed it, this being posted from behind a keyboard.'"
The point was instead of repeating over and over again the same arguments on forums like these
from behind a keyboard that does nothing to solve the issues.
If it is that important surely it's better to channel the effort where it really matters, out in the open with the powers that be.
Lets all come out from behind the keyboard and ask the Council to start a petition or poll of some kind with the population of Calderdale to see what the consensus is regarding the Shay.
Being a community assett let everybody in the community decide what is best for it and them.
If some of the community can't be bothered to get involved well at least they were asked and the majority can have their say.
Again it's the Council who hold the cards not Town or Fax fans and if we really want to put pressure on the Council what better way to do it, if public opinion is strong enough against the sale then the chances of them selling it become less, but it may work the other way round.
It's not the case as you claim that Fax fans automatically think because it's TA involved it must be for the good, far from it, there are loads of questions.
What exactly will the terms of any sale be?
If it is sold is it possible to legally ensure that the Shay
must stay a sporting stadium that can't be revoked or are these legal ties not really worth the paper the are written on?
If the purchaser gets in to financial trouble or has an accident of somekind at a later date what will be in place then to keep it as a sporting venue?
Etc, etc.
At the moment they are considering the options, so during that time.
We want and have a right to answers from them that are clear and address the key issues and are put in print then there can be no arguments or misunderstandings.
I'll sign on, will you?