Quote J20="J20"Glad to see you lot finally getting excited for it
P.s. Doesn't coverage only start at 11:30am?'"
I take that as trying to be funny?
This joke of a system has NEVER got me excited, just angry.
I will say it now before the announcement tomorrow, if we do not get in and Widnes do, good luck to you BUT it will show up the system for what it is as the ground apart (yours being slightly better than ours) the difference between us is Steve O'Connor and his money as it is that alone that has allowed you to pay for your junior set up putting you ahead on that front yet on the field we have been better than you for the last 3 years, fact!
And I thought the Franchise system was about being [isustainable by your own means [/inot over relying on a 'sugar Daddy' like many have found in the past as once they leave the club struggles!
Hey but its all about today not tomorrow with the Fat Controller isn't it? He does not care a jot about the long term future of the game he just wants to be able to say how big the crowds are no matter what the price paid to get it, even if it means letting in everybody for free he just loves number crunching!
Typical of a ex Finance man, was he not a banker once maybe??? He acts like one.