Quote cushler="cushler"Not an acceptable comment on any level and while it,s easy to pretend that this was a joke then the next time you see violence off the field ask yourself if this kind of thing helps.
If the comments attributed to KH are correct then that is even more worrying from a so called pro.
its an opinion and who agrees with it either Fev OR fAX FANS makes no difference to me ..some years ago I saw an 21 yr old suffer a life changing injury that has stayed with him for 40 yrs due to the kind of mentality above. What makes me laugh at the "Get into em" merchants and the rest, I can bet 8 out of ten have never played the game at any level or have the guts to do so.
So the next time anyone is asking someone to "beat em up" ask yourself if it were your son/daughter on or off the field would you feel so smug about it.. I guess not..'"
A couple of final thoughts on this.
First, considering the world in which we live in then to avoid any reference to violence real or staged you would not be able to read a newspaper, turn on the tv to watch the news a film or even a cartoon, play a video game or use the internet.
Even existing today you are exposed to it all the time, with the situations mentioned above it is repeated over and over again to audiences world wide with no comments against it.
In comparison to the above a coach in rugby league termanology and someone on a RL forum both with no malicious intent whatsoever with an audience measured at best in double figures and there is this response.
In this context does it merit it??
Secondly, if someone makes a statement even if it is to provoke which this wasn't, which is worse the one who makes the statement in the first place or the one who reacts to it.
Both play a part in the escalation and if it turns nasty who is to blame.
I guess it amounts to if we feel so strongly against promoting any kind of violence then avoid overeacting otherwise are we not adding petrol to the fire that we claim to hate.
Quotes can be damaging but misquotes can be worse.