Quote tvoc="tvoc" The irony is I moved away the month before the general election of '97, cast my ballot by post and for the first time that I could remember the guy I put a cross next to actually won,'"
Paul Truswell?
I have nothing but good words for the bloke. Hr has bough improvement to this area however I’m still unemployed. Heck we even have a big job centre in Pudsey that just goes to prove that unemployment is rife in this area.
He’s done more good for the area than bad starting with major improvements to local schools.
Quote tvoc="McLaren_Field"There should be no excuse for any 16 year old to find themselves sitting at home staring at four walls these days and even the likes of Damo still have opportunities for training cast into their paths, if they refuse to take them or refuse to stick them out because of some self indignation then please don't moan about it later on in your life - you had the chance.'"
Where do I start?
First of all the money to help the long term unemployed is falling into all the wrong hands. It should be job centre staff and restart officers applying for those jobs that the long term unemployed can’t obtain. The money that pays the wages of job centre staff and anyone who is employed as a result of the system that has been created to help the long term unemployed should be used to actually GIVE work to the terminally unemployed.
Instead its been given to people who’d be more than capable finding other jobs than the ones their currently in. Yet their choose the easy life and gravy train that is job centre plus/BestLTD/A4E wages.
Secondly the opportunities available for me are dead end ones. Hence why I’m in a dead end situation terminally unemployed. This whole green jobs fund Gordon Brown has created is nothing but an initiative to get the terminally unemployed to sit in a field for six months so their not burning fuels at home by watching Jeremy Kyle on TV and chatting on the internet all day.
Really what use is sitting a field all day for six months just to save the planet?
Finally as long as the terminal unemployed are alive they’ll complain. Give them a job and the complaining soon stops.