Quote Clearwing="Clearwing"Can't remember the full story but the fallout was an excellent read.'"
A simple overview of events:
1) A Southstander curry night was suggested for a certain date.
2) Lenny PM'd Mclaren_Field to say he wanted to go but had a meeting in Leeds city centre so he could only go if the curry house was there.
3) As Lenny was too shy to suggest the venue limitations himself McField pretended he had made an executive decision to go to the Agraah by the BBC.
4) The list of attendees (including Lenny) was drawn up and McField reserved a table for the appropriate number.
5) Come the evening of the curry Lenny didn't turn up - at this point his only 'crime' was ignorance.
6) Lenny subsequently offered no apology or explanation until challenged by AP to which Lenny responded that his meeting had over run.
7) The eagle eyed AP saw that Lenny had actually spent the evening on RLFANS posting on other boards.
8 ) Lenny responded that his meeting was at home and was late starting - unaware that most people knew of his request to McField saying it was in the city centre.
9) He also claimed he had no number to contact anyone on (even though he had mine and presumably could have got one for Agraah).
Basically he was a bit of a pratt for not turning up nor having the manners to let anyone know but made this 1000 times worse by repeatedly lying about it. Mind you he did try (and mercifully fail spectacularly) to be a politician...
What made it more amusing was at the same time that he was digging himself into a hole on Southstander he'd been caught out on the Sin Bin for posting something unpleasant about casulaties in Iraq - where he tried to toe the New Labour line and botched it up then lied about that too. He made a pig's ear of defending his cock ups on two boards simultaneously and eventually spat his dummy vowing never to return (which of course he did under several poorly disguised new IDs).
I don't know if he doesn't post anymore, whether one of his many temporary bans was made permanent or if he has come back to the boards under a new ID and (with some of his issues resolved) a new man too, but his drivel of old doesn't seem to be around.