Quote Bob-Marley="Bob-Marley"When are you going to realise he is insanely over rated... Good player yes, great player no and I wouldn't want him in a Leeds side any time soon.'"
He's not. He was the player that got an hat trick against us when Saints beat us 54 to 18 in 2006. A game that I thankfully did not have to suffer as my cousin wanted my company for a day out in Flamingo Land.
He was also involved in the win against Leeds in 2005 - 38 to 24.
Quote Bob-MarleyLyon's performance for the Saints received praise from both the media and the fans. He was twice voted as the Super League Player of the Month by the readers of the British rugby league publication Rugby Leaguer and League Express. For rounds 13 to 16 he received 42 percent of the vote and for round 17 to 20 he increased his share to 67.5 percent of the vote'"
source - wikipedia
Jamie Lyon is only the fourth non-British player to be presented with the Man of Steel Award.
Can’t you see that he is a threat yet and is the only way where going to beat Manly?