Quote Jonesy's a Legend="Jonesy's a Legend"as it's the off season and for fun only!
can you name a previous poster from this forum that has completely left the face of the earth,and where are they now if you happen to know?
i'll get it rolling with "lenny the loiner"
wasn't he a gold member when he vanished into thin air?'"
Here's my take on when they were last seen.
Last seen losing a local election quite emphatically.
Quote Jonesy's a Legend="BigRob"What happened to Loiner4Life?'"
Last seen disappearing up Schofields backside.
Quote Jonesy's a Legend="LS16_Rhino"SpicyRhino anyone?'"
Last seen being hauled off by the bizzies at Huddersfield after punching a youth.
Feel free to ask further questions and i'll do the research.