Quote Andy Gilder="Andy Gilder"Amazing how much time people spend watching and talking about stuff they don't they like, isn't it?'"
About 4 minutes.
I keep being told how good it is so if there's nothing else on I'll watch a bit.
It's not just the sport itself that I'm not keen on to be honest. It's everything about it. The players, the fans, the media, the referees (why do they all look and behave like PE teachers?), the terrible TV adverts with funny wimps like Jack Whitehall getting taught a lesson by some big well spoken but caveman like tough guys.
I know you think all league fans have a chip on their shoulder (and I'm sure there's something in that) but I can already imagine the lack of hype on Saturday for our (nearly) sold out event.
Put it this way, Public schools stop playing rugby union and union dies within 20 years and would be considerably smaller than league!