Part 2
The view from the link road showing the Petrol filling station in the foreground
The view from the Renault garage
landscaping work is continuing on the Tesco side and it looks like there will be a lot of grass and trees around the site.
you can see in this pic rolls of grass about to be laid on the outer perimeter of the site
This pic shows the east stand posts. In the distance you can also see the press box on the backrow of seats just below the executive box seating.
This pic of the West stand "H" will no doubt set your pulse racing.
From looking at pics from Knowsley road, these appear to be a new set of posts. The old ones for example had a coloured cross bar.
Its also good to see they are a sizeable height, unlike those stunted posts at Widnes.
Now if that pic has got you excited, a workman onsite offered to take pics inside for me and Saints_Crusader from Redvee.
Here are the pics he took on my camera.
Notice the sizeable grass run offs outside the touchline and also behind the tryline. This should help protect the players from impacting into perimeter adverts and the stands themselves. Unlike at say the undersized, built for soccer DW stadium.
Finally when talking to the builders, they said there was absolutely no chance the stadium will be complete for the 24th October handover as originally planned. They were saying it could be the end of November or early December before work is complete. Any delay will of course incur large penalty fines from Saints. It would not surprise me if this will pay for the cladding.