Quote ritz="ritz"Only stayed for half of it due to having to pick wife up.'"
To be honest, there were only a few relatively generic questions after the break, so you didn't really miss much.
Overall, it was more of a public relations exercise than a forum where anything specific was 'revealed'. But that was fine, because its very early days for the new regime, and many answers were along the lines of 'we are in discussions about that'
One thing that we did find out more about was the structure of new club. Omar is 100% owner, with Gerry as co-Chair and Omar's brother (I think they said he is called Abdul) as Vice-Chair. There were two other members of the top management tier present - one guy called Ryan (NOT Ryan Duckett if anyone wonders) who seemed to have more to do with the financial side, and another guy whose name I've forgotten who is focussed on the marketing of the stadium and facilities. There won't be a CEO, the management team will be working as a team.
Then beneath this tier there is the rugby side of things with Stuart Duffy, Francis Cummins etc. It was made clear that the management team will be 'hands off' on the actual rugby side. Cummins will have the whole salary cap to spend, and its up to him how he spends it.
I think I relayed that as it was described - someone correct me if I misheard (the PA was not brilliant)