Quote pjbull="pjbull"Go back Ferocious and check your own posts after the Oldham game, added to your comment on today's.
You really do talk some forceful twaddle. Did Brian Smith need 3 years to improve the Bulls? Did Chris Chester need 3 seasons to improve Wakefield? Lee Radford took Hull to the top of SL within one and a half seasons and a Challenge Cup and possible Grand Final within two.
I cannot conceive that any Bradford fan will agree with you that Rohan Smith needs 3 seasons to make a marked improvement to the team and if the Bulls had slumped so far under Lowes (as you claim in your Oldham post) then it is not unreasonable that we should have seen some improvement in the last 4 months. We haven't.'"
What a confused post, and a bit of ad hom thrown in too, nice.
First, the Bulls did indeed slump terribly under Lowes, and that's why we ended up stragglers. Had we started the year with a halfback even, things might have been different so it isn't all Lowes.
Of course within weeks we have seen an improvement, it's called Chisholm. But Smith has the overwhelming bulk of players at his disposal being those signed by others not him, and too many have shown they are simply not up to the job. Have you not seen the difference having a 7 has made, though?
Brian Smith? Maybe you've been drinking, but the fact is, he was only at the club 95-96 and he did exactly what he does, and what I am arguing, he laid the foundations and over the next few years his work was continued and the rest was history.
You are also confused between making an improvement, and becoming a good team. They are two different things. Making a marked improvement is the Oldham game, and bringing in the likes of Moss and Chisholm. Becoming a good team is like the post-Smith Bulls, and like Leigh, and like Hull.
You are also confusing starting effectively from scratch, as Smith is having to do, and building on a solid foundation, as Smith's successors did and as Radford has to some extent done, but if you want to talk about Radford (who was assistant coach at Hull before getting the main job, when was he appointed? Let me see - oh yes, 2013. What year is it now? I think 2016. How many years was that, then, by your reckoning?
It is ridiculous to suggest Smith can be judged on the arrse end of this season, and he has arrived at a time of great financial strife, which hasn't exactly helped. As for next season, all things being equal, he could make a proper start, but personally? I'll literally be delighted if we trot out onto the field in the first game, with all the winding up petitions, players not being paid, and huge loss of income. The omens are not great. You seem to be wanting instant and massive success, well, wouldn't we all but you're not being realistic. We're at best skint. Survival is where we are, IMHO.