Quote The optimist="The optimist"MP hasnt given us any suggestion he is a man to cut and run at the 1st opportunity....'"
I dont agree. I fear when he publicly came out and blasted the fact that he had the wool pulled over his eye's, and (as mentioned above) didn't want to do the same job Salford wanted him to was giving him self a "plan B"
I fear he's at least made everyone aware of how "bad" things are so he can consider his options!
At the end of the day SM faced the same problems - but my opinion of the man, is a Leach who wouldn't dare give up a good thing - allegedly this didn't do his health any good and taking the cash and keeping quiet seemed in the end result in his early departure.
I think MP is a completely different mould - a man genuinely wants to do well. Lets not forget - he's a youngish coach who I presume wants to make a name for himself... Did he think he could do this at Salford when SS came over and painted a rosy picture ? Probably. Does he realistically think he can do it now. Undoubtedly not.
I fear when he publicly announced how different things were to what he had been told, he was making an escape route for himself. If not why announce it? if he can make the changes then surely he would just quietly get on with it.
He didn't come out and blast a few area's of the club, he came out and stated the club's considered a laughing stock in SL, I'm not saying the mans wrong, but to go to the extreme's he did indicate only one thing. Diggin a tunnel back down under.