Quote Rugbychick™="Rugbychick™"Not at all. I'm telling you I don't believe that any of the methods he revealed are true and I certainly don't believe the camera trickery one. I believe only Derren Brown and maybe a handful of others know the truth about how he did it. He's an extremely good showman and although he does reveal some of his methods I believe he keeps a lot of them very close to his chest. There'd be no surprise anymore if he revealed everything.'"
This is the situation
He is a master of misdirection and the show was full of them.
The flip of the coin was misdirection to guide people into thinking he was working with probability on the lottery.
The group work was misdirection and tried to make people think that he gained some advantage in working with so many to increase his chances
The statement that he couldnt reveal his prediction due to legalities is also misdirection. It is completly untrue and was done simply to hide the fact that he didnt have the numbers beforehand
The work with the group also was done to hint that they all picked the numbers but a closer look shows that none of them knew the numbers.
Now putting everything together anyone with an ounce of common sense would conclude that
1 - DB plus the group did not pick the lottery numbers. He got the group to pick some numbers which were probably discarded awaiting the real ones.
2) He achieved the correct numbers by either choosing them after the draw was made public (camera trickery / some other way) OR (less likely) rigging the draw beforehand. There are no alternatives, the numbers were not picked beforehand.
Had he genuinely predicted the numbers they could have been made public minutes before the draw (this is not illegal) AND to make it more convincing the raw data allegedly generated by the group could have been taken to the live show and calculated by the group 30 mins before so that the group also knew the numbers before hand without being able to gain an advantage from them.