Quote Teessidewire="Teessidewire"But the In Goal Judge didn't, that's my point.'"
Think the point is you assume he knows what he is doing?
Being right behind this (was 3 wire players?) i had one of the best views (better than the in goal dude as he was to the side), saw the ball go to ground and Josh moved backwards, one of those calls for a video ref at all games again, id put a lot of money on that being give.
Seemed that the 50-50's went Wire's way, take the 'strips/in collision' there was 8 in total that i counted, 4 on each side, Rovers got one penalty from the very last one (5 mins to go?), the other 3 when Rovers were carrying were deemed knock ons. Wire had 4 and got a penalty for each. (not saying you didnt knock on etc, just with reference to these decisions). Cant say its advantage to attacking or defending side as it didnt work like that for both.
There was a number of dubious passes (for both sides) that were allowed.
Lets be frank about it, Rovers were always going to try spoiling tactics in the ruck, your play the ball is a hell of a lot faster and speed in attack, thus if we didnt we'd be blown away, Wire are smarter than us, you commit the extra man to the tackle and hold up for longer, thus it seems your not killing as much time. Wigan do it also. If you actually timed it, id say from impact i bet you held in the tackle for longer, difference was yours wasnt on the ground. When you did get quick play the balls, what happened...you scored. Cant go criticising for a tactic? Should we jump straight off when the defensive line isnt set and allow you to get a pen for being offside? All sides spoil, its just how you do and get away with it, as i say, you hold up before placing to ground (i wish we did it, never get penalised until it goes to ground).
Mr Roby though, looks lost, always looking for help, honestly think the current best referee is James Child (and thats hard for me to say), isnt afraid to admit a mistake, doesnt spot everything but is at least consistent with it.
Thought it was a good game, do feel agreeved about the result as it always seems to go away from us at the back end of the game and the scoreline doesnt flatter the effort at times. Your defence made us re-think in attack and correct there wasnt really a plan b, our kicking wasnt great, we seemed scared of your speed at times. Just hope you back it up on Sunday
On the flares and bottles, one idiot was booted out for the bottle that hit Roby's leg, id moved for the second half and Roby looked at me lol, had my hands in my pockets so wasnt me. The flare has become an annoying problem. Hoping those responsible get bans, but as others noted, people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones (or bottles), given the incident last week there isnt too much room to bitch about us. Wont be the last time something happens as beer takes over for those who cant handle it, nor understand whats going on in front of them, unfortunately beer is never going to be banned in the stands.