Let's see how many roll up for the game. 3,941 is the average since 2000 and since 2006 they have drawn 3,588.
Friday night games need to be scheduled at the seasons start, with accommodation, travel and other offers promoted to the visiting clubs fans THEN. We argue that Friday games impact on our ability to travel, but the away crew seem pretty clued up on the cheapest ways to get oop norf.....PP books snide client appointments for example.
If we want to regain our place as a great away day/weekend from the French or magic weekends, we need to promote the event. Book the bands early....list the other things going on over the weekend, do deals with local hotels on room rates etc....
If I was still in London, Friday night would be perfect....work until 5 (ish), train to TW2, game, beers, home on the bus.....but others would struggle getting home to Kent before midnight, so it would have to be trialed for maybe 3 games next year. Saints bring a few, as do Wigan and leeds with a fair few ex-pat fans (london based) rolling up. I would trial those 3 next year and maybe even market the events to the crims (although they seem to have an aversion to a 30 minute bus ride from their beloved Bush).....but as I said above, let's see how many roll up this week.
I am going for 3,350!