Quote XBrettKennyX="XBrettKennyX"Not at all.
For proper debate come visit me on the history forum. But you WILL have to get someone to check your spelling and grammar as they don't tolerate sub standard posts.
On your post it's no crime at all. That's the purpose of a forum to discuss and debate.
I take your view on board. I disagree with it but, would defend your right to post it.'"
By the same token should you find yourself on a rugby site and see me as a moderator (and there is one but I can't post the link), I'd strongly advise you reconsider your approach for the following reasons:
Spelling and Grammar - English and French is accepted; txt spk is not. However, we are not anal-retentives on this for we are all prone to the odd typo (or would you prefer typographical error?).
Attitude - Abuse is unacceptable; your posts appear to suggest that Jonh should not post because he is dyslexic. Such an arrogant, high-handed and damned-right insulting suggestion would receive an immediate threat of a ban as it's totally uncalled for and, frankly, the last refuge of a 'keyboard warrior'. No-one likes a 'keyboard warrior' Brett.
Comprehension of the concept of Debate - Debate is about making a point and supporting it whilst genuinely considering the opponent's counterpoint. IMO your position on Brian o'Driscoll is one borne out of ignorance and bile against Rugby Union. I believe you made a stupid statement in the OP and have been found out; however, rather than back down and blame the G&T's (an avenue you could have easily taken), you bring more and more SL and then INTERNATIONAL centres into the equation saying he's not as good as xxxx thereby trying to deflect the fact you've been found out.
In summary, your inability to see and admit that you might be wrong in the face of considerable opposition, coupled with your keyboard-warrioresque aggressive, inflammatory posting style leads me to conclude one thing: You are a troll and would be treated as such.