Quote TrinityIHC="TrinityIHC"Are you for real? They are banging the drum because they are questioning whether it is in the spirit of the game =#FF0000(personally I think it does make for a poorer spectacle but if it's within the rules then fine) not through any fear of Wigan rising to the top and creating the sort of stranglehold you used to have on the game - Salary cap has put paid to that sort of thing.'"
Can I just say that it is *ONLY* a "poorer spectacle" to you, the opposition fans, because your team has no idea how to cope with top-class defensive play.
The job of the defense is to STOP THE OPPOSITION FROM SCORING - Simple isn't it?
As previously stated, we actually take LESS time to get off the attacking player, all because we have already wrestled him in to a submissive position whilst he was still on his feet (i.e. tackle not completed).
That means that he lands on his back (or at best, his side) and we either get a dominant tackle (giving more time to get up - if we want it) or he has has to turn around, flip himself over and THEN get to his feet and PTB.
Whilst this is going on, our defensive line is already lined up and waiting to make the NEXT hit.
None of this is "illegal" or even "against the spirit" of any rules.
We are simply playing an extremely good, NRL-style game......
Build pressure with solid, compressed defence until the opposition tires and cracks in their defensive line start to show.
Unfortunately for Wakefield last week, no pressure was required - You crumbled straight from the off.
As for the "spectacle" that Wigan offer - Frankly, we've had to put up with playing a fairly similar game to Wakefield for the past few years (coincidence that it's another so-called "top" British coach that planned/caused it?) and I would far rather watch the "boring", "paint-drying" rubbish that Mike Maguire serves up than *ANY* of the "free-flowing", "attractive" stuff that Mr Noble had us playing. ***
Again, as previously pointed out, defence is not the only aspect to our game - We have the BEST ATTACK in the league at this point.
How can this possibly *NOT* lead to providing a top-class spectacle?
Frankly, coaches (and supporters) of clubs that are incapable of coping with our play-style need to think *FAR* more about how they can improve to catch up and stop worrying about how much damage Wigan's free-flowing attack + solid defence is doing to our game.
*** To clarify any possible confusion, the marked paragraph contained sarcasm.