Whilst it isn't ideal (I have two young lads myself) it's been part of Rugby League since I can remember (early 80's) and they choose to ignore it.
Wire to us (Who the F***ing hell are Wigan/pope song).
Us to Wire (Wanky Wanky Warrington)...still a sexual swear word.
Us to Saints (If you hate St Helens, if you really f***ing hate them).
Us to Leeds (All Yorkshire men sh*g sheep / sheep, sheep sheep sh*ggers).
Us to anyone (Build a bonfire, burn the f***ing lot).
Us to anyone (You'll win win F**k all again, St Helens/Rhinos/Warrington).
Us to any referee (Referee, you're a w*nker, you're a w*nker).
I could go on. It's not a new phenomenon, so why all the hysteria all of a sudden?
A couple of weeks ago, two young lads went past me on bikes (neither older than 7/icon_cool.gif, both effing and jeffing. I spoke to my eldest lad who is ten and I asked him if there is a lot of swearing in the playgrounds, he said there was....and a lot of it came from the girls.