Quote El Pac Carnegie="El Pac Carnegie"Just had the most ridiculous hour of Pokerstars play in my life and i am now seriously considering moving on to Full Tilt or UltimateBet. In the last 4 18 manners i have been in i have bubbled twice. These were both to 3 outers on the river or turn. Ace Jack vs Queen Jack was shot down with a Queen on the turn, no other draws and Ace 9 vs Ace 4, 4 on the river again no draws. In the others ive been loved up the booty as well. Ace 10 vs Jack 10, flop comes i have a flush draw and he has nowt, he calls my all in and he hits a runner runner flush. The other tourney i cant remember the exact details but i remember i was ahead when the chips went in.
Its a hard call to make whether to move on or not as the site has the best range of tourneys available but the hands are very unrealistic at times, quads been a regular thing and back to back straight flushes in a heads up i had the other day. Also i requested the hand history and i got the email but a large amount of the hands seemed to have gone missing and the page is just blank which has heightened my suspsicions of foul play, the immediate hand history also stopped working around the 2nd donk out
I emailed them to complain and just got a load of crap about how its all random. I would say at least 80% of the time when I go all-in I'm in front pre-flop and still in front on the turn and at least 60% of the time after that I get beaten on the river. Even to the point of having Aces against Ace King and he hit King on the turn and King on the river. I wouldn't mind but statistically I should be winning far more of these hands then I lose.
Lets say I go all-in 100 times.
20 times I have the worst starting hand and I win about 4 or 5 of those as you would expect.
80 times I have the best starting hand and of those 80 I win about 20-25 times and usually the other player only has 2 cards in the deck to hit and hits one or both of them. This only tends to happen when I'm all-in which suggests to me something is wrong with the programming or they want people out of tournaments quicker so they can spend more money by joining another tourney when they are out.
Probably sounds like sour grapes but the amount of bad beats on that site is ridiculous.