Quote kim-or-lee="kim-or-lee"Hmm tend to disagree with pretty much all of what you've said regarding Cash games and tournaments really. Out of interest how long have you been playing the game and what stakes do you play at?.'"
Obviously I dont play massive stakes and I'm not some sort of superstar
Quote kim-or-lee="kim-or-lee"You'll always get muppets calling you for whatever reason be it irrationally with poop cards or a 'premium hand' in either situation. Unless a tournament is a turbo format or a cheap re-buy tournament it is always going to be about slowly building your stack, any kind of deep stack tournament that's not a fiver or whatever to buy into and that's what you'll read in any literature written about tournament play. '"
You seem to have missed my point, in a tournament once you are out thats it, your out (obviously not including re-buys etc). That can happen when you have pocket Aces (as has happened to me several times) if someone calls you with nothing and hits the cards they need. That to me is "luck" and some element of skill is removed from that format. In a cash game if you get a "bad beat" like that you can use your good play to recoup some or all of the money you lost in that hand.
Quote kim-or-lee="kim-or-lee"Also, regarding cash games I've not met anyone who is aiming to make a profit every hand. The rationale for most is to just finish a session in profit whether that consists of half an hour in a casino our multi-tabling all night at home. Often raising regularly and just looking for that one big pot from the fish on the table or the aggressive person who always tries to steal at the cut off when there's been nothing but a dodgy utg raise or something.'"
Not sure why you made that point as I've said nothing of the sort. I simply made the point that over a longer period of time the better players will come out on top in cash games whereas in a tournament the player with the most luck on that particular day tends to come out on top.
Quote kim-or-lee="kim-or-lee"Not sure what kind of level tournament you're drawing this comparison to. Either way, if a player is just really aggressive in general or even just holding their favourite hand then they're more than happy to bet with that kind of money. I'm guessing you have little experience of cash games though because the dynamics of it are so incomparable to tournament play they may as well be different card games.'"
Again you seem to be attributing something to me that I haven't said. I was pointing out, again, that in a tournament you have payed a relatively small amount (compared to the prize pool) and thats the most you can "lose" so players play more loose especailly when calling. If its a cash game and somebody raises the pot and it will cost you £200 (thats just a figure I made up) to call with your ace rag or whatever you are less likely to call IMO. Yes the good players will usually do the right thing and call/fold/raise regardless of the circumstance but more of the numpty players are involved in tournament and it only takes one bad beat to put you out.
I'm not sure why you think I was comparing the two formats anyway? I simply pointed out that Cash games involve more skill IMO than tournaments and that the better players will usually perform consistently better in a cash game.