Rob, Thank you for your post it certainly makes for illuminating reading, however, there are a number of instances in your post where you are ignorant of the facts or being deliberately disingenuous and these need to be cleared up.
Quote On the terraces="On the terraces"
Just before I continue, Iain it is quite easy to come on here and paint yourself out to be the good guy that is standing up for the members and to be honest I don't really want to get into a slanging match with you but if I remember correctly you left because me, you and the others were finding it hard to work together and when asked for =#FF4000information on members to carry on taking the group forward you have made it difficult. As far as I'm aware the only person that has the =#FF4000bank account, log in details for twitter and facebook along with all the other info is IAIN??
Rach has the details for the website and I am sure she wouldn't mind posting things on there if asked.'"
1. The information you elude to was meant to be held and up dated by Mary Calvert as she was in charge of taking membership forms at the club and via the web site of which I had no access to. An e-mail with the membership list was forwarded to Mike Smith as well as the had copy membership forms and other documentation on my departure. I fail to see how this is being obstructive and if you have any issue with the quality of the information I suggest you take this up with Mary Calvert. I would point out that 5 individuals whose contact details were included on the list were not contacted. I will take it that this was an oversight and not a selected invitation to your meetings.
2. Re passwords. Rachel Pressley was given the Twitter and Facebook passwords to add as links on to the website. I suggest you look at the web site which evidences the fact.
The bank ac log in I still have, and have never been requested to provide it, however, Mary Calvert has from day one had possession of the cash box, Cheque Book and Paying In Book as, again, she was responsible for processing membership applications via walk ins at the club and internet.
To get back to topic. You have now confirmed that Mary Calvert (Chairperson), Rob Weir and Mike Smith, as you both attended the meeting with the directors, are in control of PIRAG going forward and any questions re the group should be directed to those indviduals. Thank you for the clarification.