Following on from the anxiety of last weeks license announcment and this weekends cup semi-final derby fever, I am getting a bit worried about Mr Richard 'waiting a major annnouncment' Wright and his lack of major announcments in the waiting!!
I'll put my hand up now and say if he has made any announcments on the official Cas website following the licensing last week...then I've missed it!!!

However, if he hasn't....then shouldn't he now be stepping forward thanking all involved....staff, fans, sponsors, volunteers etc etc and further saying what a fantastic achievement and opportunity that this brings to the club??
Other than the obvious (lack of new Stadium) he might also want to shed some light on the feedback from the RFL which only gave us a 'C' grade license.....and how it stacks up with what he thought was a 'very strong' bid!
We can alll see what 'we' believe to be positive 'ticks' in boxes....(Youngsters coming through, new sponsors, on field results, community work, good ballance sheets...... etc etc) however what held us back from showing significant progress from last time and perhaps a 'B' grade??
So if you are currently torturing RW in your basement, trying to get him to commit to a statement he's previously made, let him out for a little while, so he can make one more 'major announcment' and in doing so give some feedback about the positives and shortcomings of our license bid, which gave Cas a nett outcome of a C grade!!